Dear FBI, NSA, DOJ, &. Homeland Security,
Good morning, time to get up and atom. Kindly start by take the morning lid off your upmost favorite beverage, coffee or tea cup; as we all kick start our day of sunlight. Rays of light shine bright down upon every special community across the U.S.. Stay blessed, stay blissful, have a Great Day, we're all looking at Best, practices from all team members.
I am writing this letter over the wires to inform all women, men, and children working diligently inside the United States Intelligence apparatus that their are exciting times on the horizon. Sometimes we must place ourselves outside our comfort zones, and walk a different path. Thank you to everyone who has played your part in this battle, some chop wood, some fill water, everyone plays a role in dismantling the largest domestic terror group in the world, 66. I love hearing your code names, unique op titles, and most of all your jokes, thank you honey queens.
As most of us already know, the Masons and Stones are the arch nemesis of intelligence communities across the globe. This MS cult is one we all thought never really existed. They have been hiding in plain sight everywhere you go; every plane, train, automobile and street corner you traverse has a MS walking the beat.
As professionals, we are made to believe it is a conspiracy to talk about the Masons and Stones S.ecret S.ociety, also termed cult, but in reality, the Masons and Stones have conspired to defraud we the people. It is the Masons and Stones tagline, "Where We Go One, Where We Go All."
The MS6699 cult is the largest domestic terrorist organization in history. They love using 66 and 99 on their personal license plates. The first rule about fight club, is you do not ever talk about fight club. Understandably, we must give credit where credit is due. The Masons and Stones were always ten steps ahead of the worldwide intelligence community. As if they had acquired some secret calendar or almanac from the hit movie, "Back to the Future." I wondered how they planned so many events, so far in advance, and on very special dates, like 9/11.
The Masons and Stones will never admit they exist. They're cocky and love to taunt us with literature, cinema, music, art, news, and much more. But this is the group that speaks a different language, called 'cant,' or lies lies lies, that's all they do is lie lie lie. We learned of this together being superstars at Michigan State University during our medieval ancient poetry class. Holy fuck, who knew a poetry book would crack the Masons and Stones? Great job honey queens!
America, do you remember when 9/11 occurred? That was an MS Job, or OP, short for operation, or optical. The MS, or Main Stream news, blamed it on a extremely poor country named Afghanistan, that is half way around the world. Afghanistan just so happened to nonchalantly sneak by the strongest military and intelligence community in the world with some box cutters, a couple of iPad flight simulators, proceed to walk directly into five different cockpits, and begin controlling multiple airplanes, which none were shot down by the strongest military in the world. How could something like that happen, unless it was planned for quite some time?
Let's begin by asking who has controlled worlds history books and communication wires more then any other country in the world? We must recognize that would be Great Britain, or the red coats, team red. The British have had their paw prints on almost every constitution and school textbook in the world, typically the ones with lions on the emblem, lions mean liars.
And shocker, the ancient Phoenician grand masonic British system of the Masons and Stones was founded in Phoenician waters that surround Great Britain. It is where that old saying, 'we are going to tea bag you,' originated. The Boston Tea Party was not what you think boys.
Do you remember how the Main Stream news explained how Osama Bin Laden used a courier network to pass sensitive messages through a communication "spider cell" of human to human contact? This type of communication is similar to block chain security, by how many cells and chambers criss-cross the United States and their 'communities' worldwide, which keeps members anonymous. This is where the word anon comes from.
This is one of the ways they taunt us, they put it right in the news and give intelligence communities around the world very bad intelligence, by sending them on a wild goose chase.
What about all those SWATTING incidents that happen when the Masons and Stones call the FBI and send them on a fake raid? What happens to those people that give false information to the nations top law enforcement agency? Not much apparently, because these calls are somehow highly encrypted and have no Geo-location to track where the false report came from.
Two swatting incidents magically happened at Okemos High School one week before the Michigan State University campus mass shooting, where three students were killed, and allegedly many more were injured. The FBI was sent on two wild goose chases before the actual shooting happened at MSU, or Masons & Stones U.
This was the Masons and Stones taunting the FBI by using their MS contacts in local law enforcement, fire, paramedics, and dispatch. The Masons and Stones refer to their cult as the "community." Their clan needed to practice for the response time and specifically how fast the FBI and law enforcement would respond to a school shooting.
Most tragic events that happen in America and all across the world are pre-planned by the largest domestic terror organization in the world, the Masons and the Stones. They plan events like the Trump shooting, to get the nations blood boiling. Trump wore a squib device on his face, a squib device had been used to simulate gun shots during Hollywood plays and acts for centuries. The squib device is what Trump was wearing on his face to simulate bleeding, just like JFK wore a squib device.
The Masons and Stones plan events like 9/11, where they practice using their Bluetooth technology to instill fear in the people by making large high rise buildings disintegrate and disappear from thin air. Why would the Masons and Stones be practicing taking down multiple high rise infrastructures, are they planning for a big one this coming election? Gee, I wonder, maybe that is why all the insurance companies started to pull out of California last election cycle?
What about organizations like 360 Communities who 'partner' with the FBI? Gee, I wonder if their a part of the Masons and Stones. Have you ever noticed how many businesses have the name 'stone' or 'rock' inside the name? It is like we are living a real life version of the hit TV show the Flin-stones.
The Masons and Stones are people from all walks of life who were sold one big giant lie. The best thing for this domestic terror group to do is stop lying. Why live in a world where everything is a lie, why even have a world if all we do is lie about it? The Universe does not accept one lie, or it would never be on the same verse, the uni-verse.
Best team always wins, no speaking Cant here. Black or white, wrong or right, naughty or nice, never roll the dice.
Suzanne Tweeton Government Official of Dakota County Brushing Off My Moms Murder
The church law by God states the church must give their proceeds back to the people, so their is no poor people in the community where the church started. They are not supposed to keep it for theMSelves. Those little MS elves🧝 🧝♀️ or Santa's littles helpers.
The CROSS defined is an instrument by of punishment - also termed a crux.
Check out eyewitness reports from the FBI's Vault sighting Adolf Hitler getting the new identity of Fred C Trump and given a NYC real estate portfolio worth billions.
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