DEPARTMENT n. (18c) 1. A division of a greater whole; a subdivision <a legal department>. 2. A country's division of territory, usu. for governmental and administrative purposes, as in the division of a states into counties <France has regional departments similar to states>. 3. A principal branch or division of government <legislative department>; specifically a division of the executive branch of the US government, headed by a secretary who is a member of the President's cabinet <Department of Labor>.
DEPARTMENTALISM. Constitutional law. The doctrine, prominent in the decades shortly after the ratification of the Constitution but defended only sporadically since the late 19th century, that the three branches of the national government have separate and coordinate authority to interpret the Constitution and that no branch is bound by the interpretations advanced by another. Particularly opposed to the theory of judicial supremacy, departmentalism has in recent years also been embraced as a cognate or allied doctrine by some popular constitutionalists. Cf. JUDICIAL SUPREMACY; JUDICIAL REVEIW; POPULAR CONSTITUTIONALISM.
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for improving farm income, developing foreign markets for US farm products, conducting agricultural research, and inspecting and grading food products. Created in 1862, it is headed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Abbr. USDA.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for promoting the country's international trade, economic growth, and technical advancement. Designated as a department in 1913, it is headed by the Secretary of Commerce. Abbr. DOC
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPENDENTS SCHOOLS. A unit in the US Department of Defense responsible for operating schools from kindergarten through grade 12 for the dependents of military and civilian personnel stationed overseas.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for advising the President on federal education policy, and administering and coordinating most federal programs of assistance to education. Headed by the Secretary of Education, the Department includes the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, the Office of Student Financial, the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, the ten regional offices.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for advising the President on energy policies, plans, and programs, and for providing leadership in achieving efficient energy use, diversity in energy sources, and improved environmental quality. Headed by the Secretary of Energy, it oversees a comprehensive national energy plan, including the research and development, and demonstration of energy technology, energy conservation; the nuclear-weapons program; and pricing and allocation.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for matters of health, welfare, and income security. It was originally established by Reorganization Plan No.1 of 1953 under the title Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The Department is headed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. HHS.
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for ensuring security within the US borders and in its territories and possessions. The Department has five major divisions: Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and Technology, Information Analysis and Infrastructure, and Management. It was established in 2002 and began operating in 2003.
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for overseeing programs that are concerned with housing needs and fair-housing opportunities, and with improving and developing the country's communities. It was established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act. 42 USCA SS3532-3537. It is headed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. HUD.
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. The federal executive division that is responsible for federal law enforcement and related programs and services. The US Attorney General heads this department, which has separate divisions for prosecuting cases under federal antitrust law, tax laws, environmental laws, and criminal laws. The department also has a civil division that represents the US government in cases involving tort claims and commercial litigation.
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for promoting the welfare of wage earners and for improving working conditions and opportunities for profitable employment. Headed by the Secretary of Labor. It was created in 1913. 29 USCA S551.
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE (1909). A state-government agency that administers public assistance programs of all types, such as food stamps and housing vouchers. In many communities, this department is now called the Department of Human Services and Department of Social Services. DPW.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for advising the President in formulating and executing foreign policy. Headed by the Secretary of State, the Department negotiates treaties and other agreements with foreign countries; speaks for the United States before the United Nations and other international organizations, and represents the United States at international conferences. It was established in 1789 as the Department of Foreign Affairs and was renamed Department of State later the same year. 22 USCA 2651-2728. Foreign affairs are handled through six bureaus: African Affairs, European Affairs, East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Near East Affairs, South Asian Affairs, and Western Hemisphere Affairs. Also termed State Department.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for managing the country's public lands and minerals, national parks, national wildlife refuges, and western water resources, and for upholding federal trust responsibilities to Indian tribes. The Department also has a responsibility for migratory-wildlife conservation; historical preservation; endangered species; surface-mined lands preservation and restoration; mapping; and geological, hydrological, and biological science. it was created in 1849 and reorganized in 1950. Headed by the Secretary of the Interior, it administers several agencies, including the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the US Geological Survey. Also termed Interior Department.
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for recommending tax and fiscal policies, collecting taxes, disbursing US government funds, enforcing tax laws, and manufacturing coins and currency. Created by Congress in 1789, it is headed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Also termed Treasury Department.
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. The federal executive division responsible for programs and policies concerning transportation. Through a series of specialized agencies, this department oversees aviation, highways, railroads, mass transit, the US merchant marine, and other programs. DOT.
DEPARTMENT OF VETERAN AFFAIRS. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for operating programs that benefit veterans of military service and their families. It is headed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. VA.
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