Ferrum is the cause of why your vision can only see 20% of whats really there. Ferrum blocks out 80% of what your vision should see. This is the 'veil' that covers our natural sight. If this veil is lifted, we can all obtain the full capability of our eyes, and begin seeing 100% of what's in our true picture.
If you type ferrum on your iPhone, or Microsoft Word Processor, it will try to convince you the word ferrum is wrong, or it doesn't even exist. When actually, the entire periodic table of elements is surrounded around it, sitting at Atomic Number 26, also termed iron, or steel.
Ferrum can be changed into many different forms, shapes, and sizes. It is the one element that we are all constantly around. As we walk or drive past anything produced with this radioactive metal, its atoms begin to adhere, or attach, to our body through our pores, eyes, nose, ears, and lungs. Our sponge like bodies constantly soak in this radioactive element, we are constantly ingesting this man made element into our delicate bodies.
If you look at any item you buy at the grocery store, it most likely has iron, which is another fancy word for ferrum, but with different bonds, weights, and valences. The food we all cook is usually cooked inside an oven, or an iron/steel cooking device, both of which contain ferrum.
If you buy yourself a kirlian lens camera, you will see how radioactive all the ferrum/iron/steel really is. Ferrum/iron/steel constantly gives off a radioactive signal that your eyes cannot see, but could see if this element was removed from our society.
Ferrum can travel through simple light rays, which blinds us by the light, or also termed light pollution. This is the reason why we have so many lights on our roads, cars, cities, towns and just about everywhere. Don't you hate it when a car drives by you heading the opposite direction at night, with lights so bright, typically blueish in hue, that it blinds your actual line of sight on the road?
Lights are simply artificially created beams or rays, with capabilities of carrying atoms or information to any point the light can reach. We all know light can blind, but what most of us don't know, that this action blocks parts of our neural circuit. Bruce Springsteen even wrote a song about it in 1973 called "Blinded by the Light."
Ferrum is the reason why everything rusts, like our blood. Ferrum causes it to turn red or rust, which oxidizes our blood and bone structure, and begins the aging process, it ferments us all. Ferrum is why we age. Ferrum is why we never obtain using more then 10% of our minds, or bodies, full capabilities.
FERRUM. [Latin, iron]. Symbol FE. Iron.
FERMENT [Latin, fermentum]. 1. To decompose. 2. A substance capable of producing fermentation in other substances. 3. A catalytic agent that is capable of inducing fermentation in substances with which it comes in contact.
FERAL [Latin, fera, wild animal]. Existing in a wild, untamed, and undomesticated state.
FERMENTATION. The oxidative decomposition of complex substances through the actions of enzymes or ferments, produced by microorganisms. Bacteria, molds, and yeasts are the principal groups of organisms involved in fermentation. Fermentation's of economic importance, are those involved in the production of alcohol, alcoholic beverages, lactic and butyric acids, and the baking of bread.
ACETIC FERMENTATION. Production of acetic acid by the bacterial oxidation of ethyl alcohol under aerobic conditions.
ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION. Production of ethyl alcohol from carbohydrates, usually through the action of yeasts.
AMYLOLYTIC FERMENTATION. Process of hydrolysis of starch with the formation of sugar.
AUTOLYTIC FERMENTATION. Disintegration of tissues after death due to enzymes present in the tissues.
BUTYRIC FERMENTATION. Formation of butyric acid from bacterial action on carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions.
CITRIC ACID FERMENTATION. Formation of citric acid from action of molds on carbohydrates.
INVERTIN FERMENTATION. Fermentation that converts cane sugar into dextrose and levulose.
LACTIC FERMENTATION. Formation of lactic acid from carbohydrates by action of bacteria. The genera Streptococcus and Lactobacillus are the forms usually involved. Bacterial action is responsible for the souring of milk.
OXALIC ACID FERMENTATION. Formation of oxalic acid from carbohydrates from the action of certain molds, esp. Aspergillus.
PROPIONIC ACID FERMENTATION. Formation of propionic acid from carbohydrates from action of certain bacteria.
VISCOUS FERMENTATION. Production of gelatinous material by different forms of bacilli.
FERMENTUM. Yeast; a ferment.
FERMIUM. Symbol FM. Atomic Weight 257; atomic number 100. Radioactive element.
FERRATED. Combined with iron or containing iron.
FERRI, FERRO. Prefix used to indicate presence of iron.
FERRIC. 1. Pertaining to or containing iron. SYN: ferruginous. 2. Denoting compound containing iron in its trivalent form.
FERRIC CHLORIDE. FeCl3. Used principally in form of tincture as an astringent applied to the throat.
FERRIN. An iron-containing compound isolated from liver tissue.
FERRITIN. An iron-phosphorus-protein complex containing about 23% iron. It is formed in the intestinal mucosa by the union of ferric iron with a protein, apoferritin. Ferritin is the form in which iron is stored in the tissues , principally in the reticuloendothelial cells of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
FERROKINETICS. Consideration of the absorption, utilization, storage, and excretion of iron.
FERROPEXIA. Iron fixation.
FERROPROTEIN. A protein combined with an iron-containing radical. Ferroproteins are important oxygen-transferring enzymes (e.g. Warburg's Enzyme, cyctochrome, oxidase).
FERROTHERAPY. Use of iron in treating anemia.
FERROUS. 1. Pertaining to iron. 2. Denoting a compound containing bivalent iron.
FERRUGINOUS [Latin, ferrugo, iron rust]. 1. Pertaining to or containing iron. 2. Of the color of iron rust.
FERRULE [Latin, viriola, little bracelet]. A band or ring of metal applied to the end of the root or crown of a tooth in order to strengthen it.
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